Sieratzki Prize
for Advances in Neuroscience
The Sieratzki Family and Tel Aviv University
in recognition of the outstanding achievements of Israeli Neuroscience
have established a Series of Prizes - several of which are open to applicants worldwide.
Please see the list of the previous winners of the Prize.
​Prizes are awarded to outstanding Israeli PostDocs/Junior Academics worldwide (under 40 years, exceptions in special circumstances). Successful applicants will already have made a significant impact in their field of Neuroscience. Preference is given to applicants who work in Israel or are in the process of returning to Israel but due consideration is given to scientists currently working abroad. Nominations will be judged by a panel of international experts. ​
Prizes are also awarded to PhD students at TAU (up to 1 year post PhD) who are first authors of an outstanding publication in the field of Neuroscience published in a peer-reviewed journal and to students and applicants of all levels at the Student Poster Session.
Information regarding the 2021 Award competition will be forthcoming.
Queries should be sent to neuroprize@tauex.tau.ac.il.
Prize winners

Mrs. Sieratzki’s son, Dr. Jechil (Harry) Sieratzki, who founded the Prize together with his mother in 2009, thanked the researchers for their hard work. He spoke about his mother, showed pictures of her life and noted that she and his late father visited Israel for the first time in 1956, the same year that Tel Aviv University was established. “Since then her love for this country and her dedication to supporting education has never stopped growing,” he said.
Stimulating lectures were delivered by the esteemed UK Professors Bencie Woll and Roi Cohen Kadosh, who was the first recipient of the Sieratzki Prize. The Ceremony was attended by Prof. Amos Korczyn and Prof. Nir Giladi, former and current incumbents of the Heinrich (Yehezkel) Sieratzki Chair in Neurology.
Academic Coordinator of the Prize is Prof. Illana Gozes of the Sagol School of Neuroscience and the Adams Super Center for Brain Studies.